Monday, January 29, 2018

Bookstores, BookTube, and Libraries

A long time ago there used to be a bookstore in my town.  Then it closed and my days of going in and losing three to four hours standing in the stacks, looking at spines and reading book blurbs came to an end.  There is no bookstore in my town anymore.  We do have a used bookstore and a "friends of * Library" store. It's not the same.

They don't carry first run books. If you want what "might" be on the NYT bestsellers list you have to go to Target, Costco, or Walmart because they sell first run books.
It is sad.
Since bookstores in my area have gone away, which is very sad considering we live in JOHN STEINBECK'S HOMETOWN!!! There isn't a first run bookstore unless you go up to Gilroy. They have a Barnes & Noble, a place I find wanting. I am never happy with the selection they have.  But I mean if I want to go book searching, I could go there, even though it's like 30 mins away and smells like garlic.

Therefore, I was very very very happy to find Booktube!  I love Booktube. I love the people who are so passionate to step in front of a camera and espouse about a book they just read. It makes me happy. I sometimes get caught up in their excitement and want to rush out and buy that book.
And then the breaks come on because I have no job right now. No job equals no money. No money equals no new books. No hardcovers, no paperbacks, no nuthin.

But we have a library system. In a previous post (link) I talked about how I have a person in my writer’s group who worked for the county free library system. She helped me get a card to that system and I began to check out books with them.
That rekindled my love for books and I began to read again.

So with Booktube on the computer giving me reviews and recommendations, and a library card in my wallet, I was about to find and read books.  My other favorite part of Booktube are the book hauls! Oh man, I love those. I can see the book, and put it on my To Read list. Then check the libraries catalog and place a hold on it, if they have it. I have a stack of books sitting next to me, that I should get a start on.  First up:  Scythe by Neal Shusterman.
Wish me luck!

Until next time!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Getting back on the horse

So what have I been up to?
Nothing of great importance.

How is life here in California?
Great! We got rain last winter. It is now winter 2018 and we search the skies for clouds.

New year, new me!

Well, we'll work on it.

Since it is 2018, and a new year, I thought I would brush off some of the story ideas and get my butt in gear.  Let's see if we can't get something written yeah?
So what to work on? What do I like? What is "talking" to me?

And when I say "talking", I mean what can I pull out of a folder, input into Scrivner, and not just stare at a blank screen for hours?

I am never too sure what to put in these blog posts. *scowls*
How familiar should I get?
Want a picture of my dog?
Surprise! I don't have a dog.

Wanna hear about my newest story idea?!
No! You'll steal it! *looks around clutching idea to her chest*

It be January, and I missed the Steinbeck Center's open house.
They had a whole week of free admission! I went last year; it was great! Oh...I've told you that right? I live in John Steinbeck's hometown.
 It's MY Hometown now, however. He's dead, and a Noble prize winner, and internationally famous, but I right?

I will once again, attempt to post something every week.  Maybe I'll write about the valley and the area that inspires me to write. Maybe I should go for a drive and get those old juices flowing. I used to love driving down River Road; look out over all farmland. The mountains, the Valley, the arroyos, the canyons, the weird upside-down river, the ocean just 30 miles to the east, all of it has featured in some manner in many of my stories. Even if it is as set dressing for a fantasy world, or a sci-fi piece, or a paranormal fiction piece.

So, let's get back into the swing of things.

Welcome, 2018! Let's do something outrageous!