Monday, August 8, 2011

. . . and I thought I was gonna die

Camp didn't start off well.
550 words on the first day, and the case of the sniffles.
Day Two - another 580 so words and my head decided that it was going to try and KILL ME!

I have real bad sinus problems. Not allergies but when a "bug" shows up it attacks my sinuses first. I get the worst headaches. I get all snotty and drippy; blowing the nose doesn't help. My face just aches.  Those of you who suffer the same fate understand.
I went to the local CVS and took a good 30 minutes looking through medicines trying to get something that fit my symptoms. No I don't have chest congestion.
Yes, I have aches and pains.
Yes, I have nasal congestion.
Yes, I have sinus pressure - that's why I am here!

I also have itchy eyes but I know it's not an allergy.
Get this box? Get that box?
I need something for daytime as well. Can't have something that will make me fall asleep while I am driving now can I? Wouldn't do to wrap the truck around a tree!
So I picked something "safe" that was kinda effective, but I still had the pain so I slept a lot.

One week later!!!!!

yes..a whole week I am back. I still have some lingering sinus pain and NO new words.
Do I jump back into Camp? I should...I really should. I came up with some interesting ideas while drinking hot tea and just...blargh!
I feel okay now, but guilty that I haven't worked more on my NaNo.
I've like 800 or so words I think. Monday's word count goal is 13,336.
Yeah. Not gonna happen.

I am gonna have more tea and go to bed! I is sleepy.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am going to camp!

When I was in 6th grade, many many moons ago, I sold candy bars so I could go to science camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  It was the first and only time I went camping (sort of but that's a post for another time).

August 1st 2011 I am going to camp again. This time it will be virtual camp. I've signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo (August edition).
I am hoping to knock out the pre-requisite 50k words and get a good start on a new YA werewolf thing I’ve had brewing.  To be brutally honest, I am a little bit scared about the werewolf thing.  Because my wolfies, aren’t your slobbering go out and kill people during the full moon weres, and they aren’t Shifters…not completely.
They DO get more aggressive and growly during the full moon, but they aren’t pack killers. They can shift anytime they want to with varying degrees of animalistic tendencies – “attitudes”.

But the story isn’t all about Werewolves, it’s about the people, the pack. It’s about family and community and fitting in. Which seems to be the theme of a lot of my stuff lately. I wonder why?
I am not going to delve too deeply into my own personal need to explore these themes, or else I’d probably turn out to write something else. And I don’t wanna! I’ll keep my little blinders on and be happy!

So! J.A. Konrath suggested in a post the other day to write 2,000 words a day. *looks at number, dies a little bit inside
It’s just a suggestion! But if I want to hit 50k I have to do like 1,700 a day…so what’s 300 more? Uhm.. A LOT?!
Well even if I just do the 50k it’s a win and a good start to a novel.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The start of a Grand Adventure

Well, tomorrow is the start of my Grand Adventure. A Quest to write an 80k word book in 60 days.
Yes, I think I am certifiable, but if I am successful I shall have a messy manuscript in my hands a week before Fanime 2011.
Then I get to relax and play at Fanime, recharge my creative batteries, and then a month later I do it all over again and start on the sequel.
It's a rough life, but if I play my cards right, I should have three books ready for publication by November.
I am looking forward to it. Live by the pen, die by the pen...or in this case the keyboard, computer, and word processor. I am counting on you Pan Dulce to get me through this.
Lets Rock!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting my feet wet

I am Gabrielle and this is the first post in my new blog! It still has that new blog smell! *inhales deeply.

Anywho, I decided to create this blog for announcements on my professional writing and updates on my series.
I've finally decided that I DO want to be a published writer and have come up with a new idea to (heck be truthful) take advantage of the wave of paranormal romance books floating around out there on the wake of the Twilight wave.

I am starting to put together a werewolf series. I mean sure, I "like" vampires just fine. I think every writer has a vampire story in them somewhere, I know I do. But I would much rather write about a living creature than one of the undead. Sorry.
So! I am populating a book with Wolven characters in a little town in...I am not sure yet. Montana? Idaho? Wyoming? I'll think of something.

To kill time procrastinating and not writing, I decided to create a new blog, and listen to my newly acquired XTC album "Drums and Wires". I love this band. *happy sigh.
I have this album on tape but everything is moving to mp3, so I went to the (i)tune store and picked this one and "The Big Express". If you don't know who XTC are you are truly missing out. I love bands who evolve and yet keep that core sound. Those type of creative people are legend!